Tesla Motors Simulator - 2019 update 1

New year and new Tesla Motors Simulator updates are rolling out. In the last update I managed to introduce a bug where the car continued to accelerate for some short time even though you didn't press the gas pedal button. This happened at higher speeds and you felt it most when driving the Roadster 2020. I fixed this bug in this update with maybe 10 lines of code, but it introduced some other inaccuracies, so I had to change the parameters in all cars to make them have the same performance as the real cars.

In the future I might build my own "wheel collider" to have more control over it. I'm currently using Unity's built-in and it's working like a black box where you put in some values and then some values comes out and no-one really know what's going on inside of the box.

In the last update I removed the destruction system that deforms the car when colliding with something. The reason was that I'm using a simplified destruction system and the destruction is sometimes very inaccurate looking from what it would have looked like in real life. But people were sad about it, so I decided to implement it again. I also added dramatic sparks to make it look cooler when colliding. Other games, like BeamNG have more realistic destruction system, which I believe is called soft-body physics. But realism means slower performance and the destruction system I'm using is fast. But I might implement a better one in the future.

The third thing I added was a simple container trailer that the Semi can drag around. The trailer is still a little buggy here and there, sometimes it flips when colliding with some small object, but it's working overall like a real trailer would. I also realized I could take this trailer and add it to my pathfinding algorithm for self-driving cars, so it becomes self-driving trucks!
