Books I read in 2013

This year I've read the following books:
  1. Freakonomics
  2. SuperFreakonomics
  3. The Best of edw519 (available for free)
  4. Think Python (available for free)
  5. Olja
  6. London to Ladysmith via Pretoria (available for free)
  7. Masters of Doom
  8. On Writing Well
  9. On Writing
  10. The Elements of Style
  11. Casino Royale
  12. Big Data
  13. The Flinch (available for free)
  14. Quiet
  15. Web Analytics Demystified (available for free)
  16. Nio drakar
  17. Steve Jobs
  18. Winston Churchill Del 1. 1874-1939
  19. Unbroken
  20. Midsommargryning
  21. The Engineer - Follow Elon Musk on a journey from South Africa to Mars
  22. Yes, Chef
  23. Predictably Irrational
  24. The Everything Store
  25. The PayPal Wars
  26. The Hobbit

Other years:
