Books I read in 2012

This year, I've read the following books:
  1. 100 things every designer needs to know about people
  2. A long way gone
  3. Aldrig fucka upp
  4. Coders at work
  5. Crossing the chasm
  6. Den som dödar draken
  7. Don't make me think
  8. Envisioning information
  9. Escape from Camp 14
  10. From Beirut to Jerusalem
  11. From dictatorship to democracy
  12. Glädjedödarna
  13. Great by choice
  14. Handelsmännen
  15. High performance web sites
  16. Historien om IKEA
  17. How to think like a computer scientist
  18. Insanely simple
  19. Jag vill förändra världen
  20. Kon-Tiki
  21. Krigare
  22. Lägg ut
  23. Mindhunter
  24. Minecraft: block, pixlar och att göra sig en hacka
  25. Mining of massive datasets
  26. Moments of truth
  27. No easy day
  28. On writing well
  29. PHP in action
  30. Programming collective intelligence
  31. Pulitzer
  32. Selling in a new marketspace
  33. Skjut inte på journalisten
  34. Steve Jobs
  35. Stenbeck
  36. Tesla: man out of time
  37. The design of everyday things
  38. The lean startup
  39. The miracle of mindfulness
  40. The numbers behind Numb3rs
  41. The publisher
  42. The thank you economy
  43. Total recall
  44. Trust me, I'm lying
Let's hope that I didn't waste any time!


  1. How do you manage to read so many books ? Do you carry them everywhere ?


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